Choose a cartoon character. It can be from the instituions you researched or it could be from your favourite cartoon - just select one.
1) Research into how the character has developed - older cartoon characters (The Simpson, Tom & Jerry, Mickey Mouse) have changed their look over the years. Find images and analyse how the look has changed.
If your choice is a modern character their might not be much of change but try to find some information on how the character was developed.
2) Embed a image of the character - analyse the look of the cartoon: talk about the shapes used, the costume, the colours and the look. Is it familiar to other cartoon characters? Can you think of reasons why the character was created like this?
Take it into PS and annotate if it you can.
3) Why do like this character? Is it the design, is it the character or a combination of the both.
As with any piece or work - develop your answers - embed videos, pictures, anything that will help you explain you analysis and answers.