Use the brands, clothes, gigs, films, drinks identified in the advert breakdown to create a mind map of the Little White Lies Target audience. Find picture to illustrate the consumer choices and use Pages or Photoshop to arrange them in a pretty way.

It should look a little this:

Put a title on the picture: Little White Lie Target Audience.

And place the quote below on the document.

"But we don't have their tired formula, we don't cull our news section from the internet and we don't just choose the same films as everyone else to run with. That's all we want to do - provide somewhere for people who are really passionate about film to go." - Danny Miller, founder of Little White Lies

Here's an interview with him if you want to know more.

And here is an article from Grafik Magazine (Volume mag Volume 1, Issue 189, 2011).

Go to
Press 'Create'. Press 'Load'. Cut and paste the text from your original analysis (the tables) into the empty text box.
See what you get. If it's pretty and interesting - save as a .jpg and load it onto your blog.