Depending on which was your main role in the development of your game:

  • Coder
  • Artist
  • Composer

Identify a current industry professional who works in that role. 

For example, in terms of the development of Super Meat Boy:

  • Tommy Refenes - Coder
  • Edmund McMillen - Artist
  • Danny Baranowsky - Composer

Your profile should be an A4 design document that includes illustrations and photographs as well as referencing at least four sources:

  • Wikipedia
  • Personal homepage
  • YouTube video
  • A website

You should also make reference to the following information on Job Roles in the Videogames industry:

Make sure that you do more than just list what they have done. Describe the style of their work, what does it remind you of? How successful have they been in terms of awards or sales. What lessons can you learn from how they work?