James Ward Session

Most of you have started writing up the session James did with you last Thursday, but here's a few ideas of what you could include in your write.

Talk about James' influences, which effects he loved and why, what sort of effects he thinks are the most effective, which directors was he influenced by? (see below for the embedded clips)

Mention what type of materials he used to create the wound effects.

Try to outline step-by-step what you did to create the effect.

How did you feel about the final product? Did you feel it was effective? Were there any other effects created by other pairs that stood out for you?

Do you think you'd be able to repeat the process?

Use pictures and the videos to illustrate you points.

Here is the link to the flickr account for the photos


Here are the clips from the various films

Braindead (Peter Jackson, 1992)


Robocop (Paul Verhoeven, 1987)


The Fly (David Kronenburg, 1986)


The Thing (John Carpenter, 1982)