Making an Animated gif and evaluate

Using the model sheet scans and Photoshop, you're task is to complete the process that Nick showed you to create an animated gif.

Once you have completed it up load it to your blog and show the various stages of construction.

See Matiss' blog here to see how it should look.

So we need the following:
- The final product
- The original scans
- The coloured in scans and reasoning for you colour selection
- A screenshot of your PS document layers and explanation of the process
- A screenshot of the animation pallette on PS and explanation of the process.

Next step is to EVALUATE the process
What do you think of the final product?
What did you find easy to do - what was problematic?
Compare this technique to the stop-motion and Flip-book techniques you have used previously.
How do you feel about your character? Will you continue developing this characters for your final project?

Once you have finished the evaluation, attempt creating another animated .gif of your choice using the techniques you have learned.
It could be your character running/jumping doing a certain motion - or it could be another animation entirely - using bits of film, photographs, your own drawing etc. (JUST MAKE SURE IT'S NOT APPROPRIATE TO APPEAR AS PAR TO YOUR EXAMINED PORTFOLIO).


Brief reminder of the gif process:

Open a new document in PS and select the size 640 x 480 pixels.
Using the crop tool select a single frame from you scan, coloured model sheet and then copy and paste it into the new 640x480 document - it will be too be for the new document so use cmd+t to resize.
Crop the next frame, copy and paste it onto a new layer in your 640 x 480 document. Do this for all of your five images. When resizing them you need to ensure that each image is directly on top of the one below - use the opacity setting to ensure that there are.
To create the 360 spinng we need EIGHT images - you have only five. So you must duplicate both 3/4 shots and the side on view, so flip each one so they are the mirror image (cmd+t then drag the middle handle back itself - resize to match up with the others.). NAME ALL THE LAYERS APPROPRIATELY (back, side, back 3/4 etc)

Your layers should look like this:


Next go to Window>Animation to bring up the animation palette.

In the top right of the pallette is an arrow click on that to bring up a menu, select > Make Frames from Layers. Convert to frame animation in the same drop down menu to get the following look:

On each image there is a black arrow which allows you to control the time per frame - change it to 0.1 seconds each.
For Looping Option - select forever
File>Save for web and devices > gif
Put it on your blog.