MUSIC VIDEO: Personal Skills Audit

Write up a personal SKILLS AUDIT assessing your ability in the following criteria. 
(Write it on a Word document so it can be printed out and then either cut and paste the text onto the blog or upload the word doc.)

Creativity - Researching for new ideas, problem solving, being able to realise and fulfil ideas.

Organisation - meeting deadlines, punctuality, instructing others, creating the necessary paper trail.

Technical - What software skills do you have - what are you confident using? How skilled are you with camera, lighting etc. Also any music video specific skills (dancing, guitar playing etc).

Persistance - do you get things done?

WHEN WRITING THIS UP - GIVE A CLEAR EXAMPLE TO BACK UP YOUR ASSESSMENT. e.g. "I believe I am particularly skilled with editing using Final Cut, for instance the editing I did for the short film Trapped had sophisticate keyframing and use of transitions."