Thursday 5th January 2012 - Work to do

Unfortunately to a combination of paternity leave and illness we have made the decision to cancel the lessons for the Year 13 Diploma students (that's year 13 so don't any year 12s get any ideas - your timetable remains the same). However, to keep them busy they must do the following work. The normal timetable will start up on Friday 6th January so be in B102 for 9 a.m.

1) Speed Pitching reflection

On Word or Pages answer the following questions.

1) How did you find the Speed Pitching experience? (Don't harp on about the organisation of it - I'm still trying to figure out a perfect system - comment on how it was expressing your ideas to people)

2) What were the main positives that people commented upon regarding your idea? (sorry for the working of that question - just say what people thought was good).

3) What were the main problems/issues that people raised regarding your idea?

4) Which idea that you were pitched was the strongest and why?

5) If you could work on your own idea who's magazine would most like to work and why? Also suggest any alterations that you would make.\

Make it look pretty - use the photos posted to help you. And it has to be at least a side in length - work hard to develop your answers.

2) Get those Keynotes finished - even if you don't have keynote at home, you can still write up the appropriate text so it can be copy and pasted in when you get in. Do the primary research if you haven't already (take photos, speak to the relevant experts etc.)

3) Extended Projects
How are they getting on? Is there evidence of three months work on your project? Deadline is creeping up in March so make a plan of how you're going to get it done. 

Right that should keep you busy and again we apologies for any inconvenience.