Export the final video: File > Export > Quicktime Movie
Upload to Vimeo.Start a blog post named 'Western Credit Task' and include the following:
1) Your final product embedded.
2) A brief overview of what the task was about: Creating an animated credit sequence in the spirit of Good, Bad and the Ugly, using sound effects and Photoshop images'. (use this link if you want to be specific about the inspiration, you can't embed it but you could take screengrabs)
3) An explanation of how you created your credits in Photoshop accompanied by a picture of your .psd.
- Use of brushes
- Saving the layers seperately and as PNG-24 and why you did this.
4) An explanation of what you did in Final Cut to move your images and how you added sound effects:
- Use of Keyframes and what they enable you to do with them (size, angle, movemenbt)
- How you synched up sound effects and animation (mention the audiowave forms if possible).
- Use a screenshot of your Final Cut document if you think this will help.
5) Evaluate your work: What went well? What do you believe could be improved on? How did you find keyframing - was it easy to use? Do you believe your skills in Final Cut have developed and why? Try and develop your answers - try to take a step back and reflect on what you achieved in this task.