Year 1 - Unit 01 AO2 Covers

Full Bleed
Makes the most of the poster quality of the cover. The picture appears to be bigger than it is, suggests some idea of selection and choice of composition. Gives the idea of being extremely important (takes over the cover) and unspoiled.

Define the brand as the shape and layout of the magazine remain consistent.
Make the image smaller but draw the focus of the reader to the centre of the magazine. Frames are often uncommon so stand out on the newstand.

Logo Dominant
Suggests that the brand and voice of the magazine is more important than the specific content of that month.
Extremely strong brand presence.
Font choice and colour pallete has to be consistent and easy to scan.

No one element is significantly bigger on the front cover.
Suggest that ALL content in the magazine is essential reading the editors could not decided on a hierarchy.
Opens up to a wide readership and tries to capture the enthusiasm, energy and passion of the magazine.

Will have one main image but will also have a number of hits for different stories. This is attract a larger target audience and to represent the breadth of content that the magazine has.