Animation Research - My Bestest cartoon

We're now going to move onto Animation. To start you thinking about cartoons and stop motion we would like you to do a small case study on your favourite animation.

This is to be done on the blog - so feel free to embed clips, interviews, links to official sites, relevant imagery.

The choice of animation is up to you. It could be your favourite Disney cartoon as a kids, the lastest CGI blockbuster, a cutting edge anime, a stop motion kids TV show, an advert, a music video - it just has to be animated and something you have a personal attachment to.

Release date
Animation Company

What animation technique was used
(identify it, describe, try to find any resources about to use that technique, what qualities does this technique have)

Describe you favourite part of the animation (a key scene, an effect) and explain why you like it.

Explain why you chose this animation - why you like it, what you thought when you first saw it.


Like any work we do - feel free to expand on what's required and fully develop your answers and response.


Plan B - "No Good" by czapizzle